Thursday, June 17, 2010
Pork: no longer the other white meat
Since 1987, Pork has been known as “The Other White Meat.” The slogan was developed to change the public’s perception that pork was a fatty meat not suitable for guests and to promote pork’s nutritional value and versatility. The slogan along with a breeding campaign to produce leaner hogs, caused pork sales to rise in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
But today pork sales are flat and the National Pork Board is looking to shake things up by releasing a new slogan. They argue that people have forgotten what the slogan meant in the context of its release. Those not familiar with the original ad campaign may find the slogan a little confusing. What was the original white meat that pork is being compared to? Chicken? Turkey? Fish? Lobster? Calamari? And in today’s society where children are taught to not see ‘color,’ the slogan seems vaguely racist. (TWSF wonders which race selection pork would choose on the census forms, there is only one option for white meat)
For most people the slogan is synonymous with pork. Marketing majors will tell you that slogans are intended to create a connection between a product and the consumer, not drive sales. Pork has one of the best in the business, so it curious as to why the Pork Board would want to distance the pig from the 4 words that brought it to the dinner table. The Board won't completely drop "The Other White Meat" but will come up with a new slogan as part of a new campaign being launched next spring.
So to help the Pork Board come up with a new slogan we are going to have a little contest. Leave your best slogan suggestion in the comments section below this post. The person with the best slogan will receive a small prize (tbd) from TWSF. Here are a couple slogans to get the creative juices flowing….
Pork: Cause we're all tired of chicken
Pork: Too classy for fast food (though a pork nugget would be interesting)
Pork: The meat of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
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