
Monday, January 31, 2011

Orange Juice and Toothpaste

TWSF knows that some of our readers, myself included, like a little orange juice in the morning before begrudgingly heading off to work. We also know that some (hopefully most) of our readers brush their teeth in the morning. It can therefore be assumed that there are some readers out there who fall into the intersection of the orange juice and toothpaste venn diagram. It can further be assumed that there are an unfortunate few who fall into a subset of the intersection that consumes the two products in the wrong order and are rewarded with that gross orangepaste taste. The morning routine that I have fallen into has put me into the bad taste subgroup (I know better but I am just too lazy). After several mornings of  foul tasting orange juice I decided to look into this little problem to see if there is anything that can be done to avoid the bitter OJ taste, aside from changing up my routine.

On their own, orange juice and toothpaste taste pretty good, but why in combination do they stomp on your pallet. As with many questions of interest to the common man, scientists are not sure what causes this phenomena because they are not entirely sure how taste works. Thankfully the taste scientists of the world have come to agreement on the most likely cause.

The human tongue tastes five general categories, sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami (meaty). Taste is actually an interaction between taste molecules in food and taste receptors on your tongue. Taste molecules of a certain shape will be received by a receptor of a similar shape. 

These receptors can be manipulated, and in the case of toothpaste this is done by Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a foaming agent found in toothpaste that creates that toothpaste froth. In addition to foaming up your mouth, SLS also suppresses your tongue's sweet receptors and destroys phospholipids, fatty compounds that act as inhibitors on your bitter receptors. In essences SLS makes it harder for your tongue to taste sweet and easier for it to taste bitter. Add some OJ to this situation and your tongue picks up too many bitter and too few sweet taste molecules.

So next time you go to brush your teeth, make sure you drank any orange juice first, your taste receptors will thank you.


  1. Thanks for the scientific explanation, but I don't think it takes more than common sense to figure out that OJ and toothpaste is far from a perfect marriage.

  2. I am really thankful of this explanation. I never thought that drinking juice will stimulate your taste receptors. I will surely try this out first thing in the morning.

  3. I hate the combination of taste of toothpaste and orange juice. I have to agree with you that next time you go to brush your teeth, make sure you drank any orange juice first. Thanks for this explanation.

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  4. This is a very interesting topic. Thanks for explaining why the awful taste of toothpaste and orange when mixed happens.

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  5. You should also never try to drink milk after brushing your teeth since the taste is really disturbing.
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  7. i used to do the root canal treatment for my bad teeth

  8. Thanks very much for detailed explanation! But will the OJ makes the teeth yellow? Then i need do teeth whitening i think!

  9. Thanks for the explanation, hahaha, next time I will definitely drink the orange juice first
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