Every time we walked to the grocery store I looked forward to passing that corner, watching people go in and out, getting their fix, reminiscing about when I was one of those people. Walking hand in hand with the other blogger, I notice the tell tale signs of fiends that have just fed their craving: the rubbing of mouth and stomach, tired eyes, looking for a couch to take a nap on. It is a quick high that completely satisfies even the strongest craving, but it lasts for just a short while leaving you empty and bloated at the same time. You know you are coming down as you sit sick over the toilet a short while later. After you leave that bathroom all you want to do is go back to that corner and do it all over again.
I was good for the first few months living in the neighborhood. But in a moment of weakness I wandered back to that corner, alone. I entered and got a dose for myself and the other blogger for only $14. I feel horrible about dragging the other blogger down this spiral with me, I thought she would like a little taste, at the time I was not acting in sound mind. After I paid up, I practically sprinted home, the stuff is best if you consume it right away. The smell coming from the bag was too much, I stopped half way home reached in and grabbed a small taste. All those years of abstinence washed down the drain.
I busted through our front door and ripped open the bag. I gave Megan her first taste, her mouth curled into a wide smile and her pupils dilated. She was hooked. After a few quick minutes of consumption we both laid on the couch rubbing our mouths and stomachs completely satisfied. Looks like I need to go back to the meetings. High my name is Chuck and I am a Popeyes Fried Chicken Addict.

You had me going on that one. I hope you enjoyed the chicken.