
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Charlie's IRA: Irish Red Ale

Here's to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold pint-- and another one.

I brewed this variation of Papazian's Irish Red a couple of weeks ago 
so it would be ready in time for St. Paddy's Day.


  • Briess Amber Unhopped Liquid Malt Extract, 6 lb.
  • Crystal 50-60L (Simpson's) 1 lb. Crushed
  • American 2-Row (Briess) 1 lb. Not Crushed 
  • German Northern Brewer Pellet Hops 1 oz.
  • German Tettnang Pellet Hops 1 oz.
  • White Labs Irish Ale Yeast
  • Corn Sugar- 5 oz.(for bottling)
  • Muslin Bag
  • Bottles and Caps
  • Making toasted malted barley
    • Preheat oven to 350
    • Spread a thin layer of the American 2-Row on two cookie sheets
    • Bake for 10 minutes, the malted barley will have turned a slight reddish color. Do not over cook, remove from oven, let cool
    • Crush the grains with a rollingpin or pan leaving the husks intact, do not ground the grain into a powder
  • Add the toasted malted barley and crystal malt to the muslin bag let steep in at least 3 gallons of water for 30 minutes
  • Bring to boil, remove from heat and slowly add the LME
  • Return to boil and add Northern Brewer hops, boil 60 minutes
  • Add the Tettnang hops for the last minute of the boil
  • Quickly cool wort and add to sanitized primary fermenter with enough water to make 5.25 gallons
  • when cooled below 75 degrees, pitch yeast according to instructions on label
  • Primary fermentation 3-4 days
  • Secondary fermentation 2 weeks
  • Bottle when hydrometer readings level out
  • Let condition in bottle at least one week
  • Drink and Enjoy

Work is the curse of the drinking class.
--Oscar Wilde


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