
Monday, March 5, 2012

TWSF has BIG news.

He did it!

...and we're back! Sorry for the lack of posts, but life has been full of excitement recently and we simply have not had time to sit and write, or even have access to a computer for that matter. Ready for some stories?

Chuck proposed to me! That's right WE ARE ENGAGED (and floating somewhere on cloud 9)! Our love for food and cooking has certainly played a big role in the relationship, and in keeping to "us," Chuck proposed right after we cooked one of our favorite meals, lobster ravioli. We had wine, then some champagne for celebrating, and spent the rest of the evening staring at my ring, calling our friends and families, and taking it all in. We are so happy.

Over the course of the engagement weekend we enjoyed many meals out with friends and watched their priceless reactions unfold as I held out my hand to share our news (seriously, I wish I had taken videos).

Then we went to Europe. I guess you could call it a practice honeymoon. We spent 10 days eating our way through London, Brussels, Antwerp, Brugge, and finally Paris and checking out the main attractions on the way. It was the perfect way to spend our first week of engagement and we will be sure to fill you in on that trip over the next several posts, so check back soon.


  1. Congratulations! Have fun planning! :)

  2. We are very happy to have Chuck as a son-in-law to be.

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, what a week!

  4. it seems that you really enjoyed your trip as you describe that in your last blog you mentioned the snaps like you visited to the 5 Star hotel and having dinner and also visit to watch football stadium to have fun by watching the match, i like your post as it is fun, but this time all i want is project management homework help to complete my assignment before the given time.
